Updated on: 21-Apr-2013
Annual School Function Organised at SJS Rihandnagar
St.Joseph School, Rihand Nagar celebrated their Annual Function on 20thApril’13 with great enthusiasm and gusto. Bishop Ignatius Menezes graced theoccasion with his benign presence. The Principal, staff & students of SJSwarmly welcomed the chief guest of the evening, Shri S.K. Sinha (GM-O&M,Rihand project NTPC).
Thecultural show commenced with a grand opening ceremony followed by a prayerdance in the classical Bharatnatyam dance form. One programme followed theother in smooth succession, taking the show to its crescendo.
Thepages of Panch-Tantra and Fairy Tales came alive on stage by the wonderfulenactment of the stories by students of K.G. and classes 1&2 respectively.The audience marveled at the educational action song ‘The Grammar House’presented by students of classes 4&5, who dressed as Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs,Adjectives & Adverbs taught them the rules of Grammar.
Givinga panoramic view of our country, the students of class 3 took the audience to amesmerizing journey from Kashmir toKanyakumari through their wonderful show ‘Incredible India’.
Theannual report presented by the Principal, Fr. Santosh Kr. Everest, detailed theachievements of SJS in the session 2012-2013. Among other cultural items werethe English Play staged by students of classes 9 & 10, an adaptation of thefamous play by John Brandane ‘Rocky Aforesaid’, sending the audience into pealsof laughter; a heart-touching Pantomime presented by the boys of classes10&11, highlighting the bitter consequences of ragging and athought-provoking message ‘Donate Eyes and Save Life’, by the students ofclasses 6 & 7 in the form of a dance. The contemporary dances presented byclass 12 captivate the audience by its perfectly synchronized movements andstyle. The show came to a befitting end by a message of peace delivered througha torch-dance. The darkened Hall, illuminated only by the dancing torch lightsgave a somber touch to an otherwise gay evening.
TheSJS EXTRAVAGANZA’13 saw its perfect finale with the gentle showers of blessingsfrom heaven, when the skies poured their blessed drops on us mortals.