1.Whom did Paul baptize in Corinth?
Ans: Paul Baptized Crispus, Gaius and the family of Stephanus.
(1:14, 16)
2. Why was Paul sent to Corinth by Paul?
Ans: Paul was sent to Corinth by Jesus to proclaim the word of
God. (1:17)
3. What do the perishing people consider the message of Cross as?
Ans: They consider it as foolishness. (1:18)
4. What do the people who are being saved consider the message of the Cross as?
Ans. They consider it as the ‘Power of God’. (1:18)
5.What is Crucified Jesus is for the Jews?
Ans: For the Jews the crucified Jesus is a Stumbling block. (1:23)
6.What is crucified Jesus is for the Gentiles?
Ans: Foolishness. (1:23)
7.What do the Jews demand?
Ans: Jews demand Signs. (1:22)
8.What do the Greeks demand?
Ans: Greeks demand Wisdom. (1:22)
9.What is Christ for those who are called?
Ans. He is the Power of God and the Wisdom of God. (1:24)
10.Why did God choose the foolish in the world?
Ans. To shame the wise. (1:27)
11.Why did God choose what is weak in the world?
Ans: To shame the strong in the world. (1:27)
12. Why did God choose what is despised in the world?
Ans: So that no one can boast in the presence of God. (1:28,29)
13. When did God decree the Wisdom?
Ans: Before the ages of our glory. (2:7)
14.Through whom did God reveal his wisdom?
Ans: Through the Holy spirit. (2:10)
15.Who knows the depth of God?
Ans: Spirit knows the depth of God. (2:10)
16.Why do we receive the Spirit?
Ans: So that we may understand the gifts bestowed on us by God.
17.Why do unspiritual people not receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit?
Ans: Because it seems foolish to them.(2:14)
18.What will God do to the person who destroys God’s Temple?
Ans: He will destroy that person.( 3:17)
19.What should we do to become wise?
Ans: We must become foolish. (3:18).
20. To whom do we belong?
Ans: We belong to Christ. (3:22)
20.To whom does Christ belong?
Ans. Christ belongs to God. (3:22)
21.What is required of the Stewards of Christ to be?
Ans. Stewards are required to be trustworthy. (4:2)
22. Whom does Paul send to Corinth to remind them of his ways in Christ?
Ans: Paul sends Timothy (4:17)
23.According to Paul why should a sinner be handed over to Satan and destroy his
Ans. So that his Spirit may be saved in the Lord. (5:5)
24.What does unleavened bread signify?
Ans: It signifies bread of Sincerity and Truth. (5:8)
25. What does old yeast signify?
Ans: It signifies Malice and Evil. (5:8)
26.According to Paul whom should the Corinthian judge?
Ans. They should judge the sinners who are inside. (5:12)
27.Who will judge those who are outside the faith?
Ans. God will judge those who are outside the faith. (5:13)
28. Before whom should we take our grievances?
Ans. Before the saints. (6:1)
29.Who will not inherit the Kingdom of God?
Ans. The wrongdoers such as fornicators, idolaters, adulterous,
male prostitutes etc will not inherit the Kingdom of God. (6:9-10)
30.How are the sinners or the wrong doers justified?
Ans. They are justified in the name of Lord Jesus Christ and in
the Spirit of
God. (6:11)
31.The body is meant for whom?
Ans. It is meant for our Lord. (6:13)
32.What are the members of Christ?
Ans. Our bodies are the members of Christ. (6:15)
33.Why should a man have a wife and woman a husband?
Ans. So that they may not be sexually immoral. (7:2)
34.Can a husband and wife deprive the conjugal right of their partners?
Ans. No the husband and the wife cannot deprive the conjugal right
of their partner. (7:3)
35.What is an unmarried man anxious about?
Ans. He is anxious about, “How to please God?” Or anxious
about the affairs of the Lord. (7:32)
36.What is married man anxious about?
Ans. The married man is anxious about the worldly affairs and pleasing
his wife. (7:33)
37.Can we eat the flesh offered to the idols?
Ans. Yes we can eat if it does not become a stumbling block. (8:9)
38.What happens when we sin against the members of the family and wound their conscience
by eating the flesh offered to the idols?
Ans: We sin against Christ who died for these people. (8:11-12)
39.Who are the seals of Paul’s apostleship in the Lord?
Ans. Corinthi
Ans are the seals of Paul’s
Apostleship in the Lord. (9:2)
40. In spite of being free why Paul has made himself a slave?
Ans: So that he might win more people to Christ. (9:19)
41.Why did Paul become a Jew to the Jews?
Ans. So that he might win Jews to Christ. (9:20)
42.What did Paul become for the weak people?
Ans. He became weak for the people who are weak. (9:22)
43. Why did Paul become all things to all?
Ans. So that he might save some people. (9:22)
44.Why do Athletes practice self-control in all things?
Ans. So that they may receive a perishable wreath. (9:25)
45.Why should we practice self-control in all things?
Ans. So that we may receive imperishable wreath. (9:25)
46.What happened to the people of Israel when God was not pleased with them?
Ans. They were struck down in the wilderness. (10:5)
47.After committing sexual immorality how many Israelites died in on day?
Ans. 23 thousand.
48.What happened to the Israelites when they put God to test?
Ans. They were destroyed by the serpents. (10:9)
49.What happened to the Israelites when the complained against God?
Ans. They were destroyed by the destroyer. (10:10)
50. Why did all the calamities took place with the Israelites when they sinned?
And why are they written?
Ans. So that it might serve us as an example and for the instruction.
51.What does God do when he tests us?
Ans. He provides us the way out so that we may be able to endure
it. (10:13)
52.How do we all become one body?
Ans. By sharing in the one bread. (10:17)
53. Can we eat the meat offered to the demons and sold in the market?
Ans. Yes we can eat without raising questions on the ground of
conscience. (10:25) Or because the earth and its fullness are the Lord’s.(10:26)
54.Who is the head of every man?
Ans. Christ is the head of every man. (11:3)
55.Who is the head of every wife?
Ans. Husband is the head of every wife or woman. (11:3)
56.Who is the head of Christ?
Ans. God is the head of Christ. (11:3)
57.What happens when a man prophesies or prays something on his head?
Ans. He disgraces his head. (11:4)
58.What happens when a woman uncovers her head and prays?
Ans. She disgraces her head. (11:5)
59.What should a woman do if she does not want to cover her head while praying?
Ans. She should cut her hair or shave her head off. (11: 6)
60.Why should man not have his head veiled?
Ans. He is the image and reflection of God. (11:7)
61.Who is the reflection of man?
Ans. Woman is the reflection of Man. (11:7)
62. Why should have a symbol of authority over her head?
Ans. Because she is created the sake of man. (11:10)
63.What will happen when an unworthy man eats the bread and drinks the cup?
Ans. He will be
Answerable to the body and blood
of our Lord. (11:27) Or we will eat and drink the judgment against ourselves. (11:29)
64.What should we do before we eat of the bread ands drink of the blood?
Ans. We should examine ourselves first. (11:28)
65.What will happen if we are judged by God?
Ans. We will be disciplined, so that we may not be condemned along
the world. (11:32)
66.When do we say ‘Jesus is Lord’?
Ans. When the Holy Spirit inspires us. (12:3)
67.Tell some of the qualities of Love.
Ans. Patient, Kind, not envious, etc.(13:4…)
68.What should we pursue and what should we strive?
Ans. We should pursue love and strive for spiritual gifts.(14:1)
69.Why should we pursue spiritual gifts?
Ans. So that we may prophesy. (14:1)
70.To who do the people with gifts of tongue speak?
Ans. To God and not other people. (14:2)
71.Why no one understands the people who speak in tongues?
Ans. Because they speak mysteries in the spirits. (14:2)
72.What is the purpose of prophecies?
Ans. Up building and encouragement and for consolation to the people.
73.What do the people who prophesy do?
Ans. They build up the Church. (14:4)
74.Why does Paul prefer Prophecy than Speaking in tongue?
Ans. Because speaking in tongues up builds himself and Prophecy
up builds the Church. (14:4-5)
75.Since nobody understands what is spoken in tongues what should he do?
Ans. He must pray for the gift to interpret. (14:13)
76.For whom the gifts of tongue are meant?
Ans. It is a sign for the unbelievers.(14:22)
77.Prophecy is meant for whom?
Ans. It is meant for Believers.(14:23)
78.What will happen when an unbeliever sees a person with the gift of tongue?
Ans. He will say that he is out of his mind. (14:23)
79.Why did Christ die?
Ans. Christ died for our sins. (15:3)
80.After appearing to Twelve Apostles to how many people did Jesus appear?
Ans. Jesus appeared to more than 500 people at a time. (15:6)
81.Why does Paul call himself least of all the Apostles?
Ans. Because he persecuted the church of God. (15:9)
82.When will all be raised from the dead?
Ans. At his coming (15:23)
83.What will Christ do at the end?
Ans. He will hand over the Kingdom to God. (15:24)
84.When will Christ hand over the Kingdom to the Father?
Ans. After he has destroyed every ruler and every authority and
power. (15:24)
85.Till when will Christ reign?
Ans. Until he has put all his enemies under his feet. (15:25)
86.Who is the last enemy to be destroyed?
Ans. The Death. (15:26)
87.What did the first Adam become?
Ans. He became a living Being. (15:45)
88.What did the Last Adam become?
Ans. He became Life Giving. (15:16)
89.Where was the first man from?
Ans. The first man was from the Earth, or from the Dust. (15:47)
90.Where was the second Man from?
Ans. The second man was from Heaven. (15:47)
91.What is the sting of the death?
Ans. Sin is the sting of death. (15:56)
92. What is the power of sin?
Ans. The power of sin is Law. (15:56)
93.Through whom does God gives us the victory over sin and death?
Ans. Through Jesus Christ. (15:57)
94.Who were the first converts in Achaia?
Ans. Members of the household of Stephanas were the first converts
of Achaia. (16:15)
95.According to Paul who should be Accursed?
Ans. People who have no love for the lord should be accursed. (16:22)
96.When would Paul visit Corinth the second time?
Ans. After passing through Macedonia. (16:5)
97.Untill when Paul will stay at Ephesus?
Ans. He will stay in Ephesus until the Pentecost. (16:8)
98.On which day should Corinthi
Ans make contributions?
Ans. On the first day of the week. (16:2)
99.Where will the collections be taken?
Ans. It will be taken to Jerusalem. (16:3)
By Fr. Archibald D’Silva
1. Short- Answer Type Questions
1. Who reported to Paul that there are quarrels among the CorinthiAns?
(I Cor 1:11)
Ans. Chloe’s people (Chloe’s family)
2. Paul speaks of two lifeless instruments that produce sound. Which are they? (I
Cor 14:7)
Ans. Flute, Harp.
3. How many chapters are there in I CorinthiAns and II CorinthiAns?
Ans. I CorinthiAns – 16
chapters; II CorinthiAns – 13 chapters
4. What should you do when you come together to eat? (I Cor 11:33)
Ans. Wait for one another
5. Who is the other person Paul mentions in the opening address of I CorinthiAns?
(I Cor 1:1)
Ans. Sosthenes
6. What will the Lord disclose when he comes? (I Cor 4:5)
Ans. Purposes of the heart
7. To what is compared the blessing of the cup? (I Cor 10:16)
Ans. Sharing in the blood of Christ
8. What did the Lord say after breaking the bread and giving thanks? (I Cor 11:24)
Ans. This is my body that is for you. Do this in
remembrance of me.
9. If the first man, Adam, became a living being, what would the last Adam become?
(I Cor 15: 45)
Ans. A life giving spirit
2. Fill in the Blanks
1. I baptized none of you except ------------------ and ----------------- (I Cor
Ans. Crispus, Gaius
2. The unmarried man is ---------------------- about the ----------------------
of the Lord. (I Cor 7:32)
Ans. Anxious, affairs
3. Do you not know that you are ---------------------- and that God’s ----------------------
dwells in you (I Cor 3:16) Ans. God’s temple, Spirit
4. I fed you with ---------------------- and with ---------------------- (I Cor
Ans. Milk, solid food
5. For the kingdom of God depends not on ------------ but on ---------- (I Cor 4:20)
Ans. Talk, power
6. Satan may not ---------------------- you, because of your lack of ----------------------
(I Cor 7:5)
Ans. Tempt, self-control
7. God is --------------, and he will not let you be tested beyond your --------------
(I Cor 10:13)
Ans. Faithful, strength
8. For Jew demand -------------------- and Greek desire---------------------- (I
Cor 1:22)
Ans. Signs, wisdom
9. For we are God's ----------------------, working together; you are God's ---------------------------,
God’s building (I Cor 3:9)
Ans: servants, field
10. When reviled, we ----------------------; when persecuted, we ----------------------
(I Cor 4:12)
Ans. Bless, endure.
Complete the sentences
1. No one speaking by the Spirit of God ever says, “----------------------”
(I Cor 12:13)
Ans. Let Jesus be cursed.
2. For an obligation is laid on me, and woe to me if I ---------------------- (I
Cor 9:16)
Ans. Do not proclaim the gospel.
3. For I decided to know nothing among you except ---------------------- (I Cor
Ans. Jesus Christ and him crucified.
4. He will strengthen you to the end so that you may be ---------------------- (I
Cor 1:8)
Ans. Blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
5. If Christ has not been raised, ----------------------, and You are still in your
sins (I Cor 15:17)
Ans. your faith is futile
6. This cup is the ---------------------- (I Cor 11:25)
Ans. New covenant in my blood
7. For God’s temple is holy, and ---------------------- (I Cor 3:17)
Ans. You are that temple
Correct the mistakes
1. For man’s foolishness is wiser than divine wisdom. (I Cor
Ans. For God’s foolishness is wiser than
human wisdom
2. Apollos planted, I watered; but earth gave the growth. (I
Cor 3:6)
Ans. I planted, Apollos watered; but God
gave the growth
3. Am I to come to you with a letter or with peace in a spirit of
gentleness? (I Cor 4:20)
Ans. Am I to come to you with a stick or with love
in a spirit of gentleness?
4. For it is better to swim than to drown with passion. (I Cor 7:9)
Ans. For it is better to marry than to be aflame
with passion.
5. Do you not know that a little water leavens the whole batch of salt?
(I Cor 5:6)
Ans. Do you not know that a little yeast leavens
the whole batch of dough?
6. Because there is one church, we who are many become one community.
(I Cor 10:17)
Ans. Because there is one bread, we who are many
become one body.
7. For Christ sent me to baptize and to proclaim the Gospel. (I Cor
Ans. For Christ did not send me to baptize
but to proclaim the Gospel.