Intermediate Colleges
Raebareli, St. Peter's School
Address : St. Peter’s School, Chajlapur, Raebareli – 220010, U.P.
Phone : 0535 – 2701490, 2701494
Principal : Rev. Fr. Lawrence Fernandes
Medium : English
Board : CICSE

A Brief History:
Situated at Chhajlapur on the outskirts of Rae Bareli city, St. Peter’s School (10+2) founded in Sept. 1983 by the Catholic Diocese of Allahabad is administered by the Rae Bareli Catholic Educational Society. It has presently grown as a premiere Institution in the District Headquarters of Rae Bareli.

Foreseeing the need and demand for quality education in this part of the city, the first Principal Rev. Fr. Henry Suarez (1983 – 1990), after obtaining permission from the then Bishop of Allahabad, Most Rev. Baptist Mudartha started a K.G. section in 1983 under the name of St. Peter’s School, the patron saint of St. Peter’s Church. In 1985 the Ursuline Franciscan Sisters (UFS) were invited to help in the school.

Thereafter the school made rapid strides in both curricular and co-curricular activities. The next Principal Rev. Fr. Joseph Mascarenhas (1990 – 1997) initiated the process of affiliation to the Council for ISCE, New Delhi.

The school got affiliated to the Council (ICSE – 1998 & ISC – 2001) during the tenure of the Principal Rev. Fr. Edward Goveas (1997 – 2005).

Presently 2013 under the charge of the present Principal Rev. Fr. Lawrence Fernandes (2005 -- ) the school is making progress in all forms of school activities by leaps and bounds. Due to his rigorous efforts, the school has also got permission from the Raebareli Development Authority (RDA) for the construction of a new block.

At present (in 2012) the school has over 1200 students on its roll and over 50 teaching and non-teaching staff to cater to the needs of the students. The school is equipped with well aired classrooms, Science & Computer laboratories, and extensive reading room and a vast play ground. The motto of school is Love, Truth & Knowledge. The School aims at providing a wholesome quality education according to Christian principles to bring out the best and noblest qualities in children so as to make them good and loyal citizens.

Physical, intellectual, spiritual development of child’s personality gets due emphasis in the school curriculum. Co-curricular activities of varied nature are provided in order to promote a harmonious development of both mind and body.

St. Peter’s School provides a sound education designed to train its pupils for the service of the society and nation. The school provides an educational climate that is conducive to the flowering of inherent qualities of excellence in human beings and strives to develop the whole personality (body, mind, and spirit) of the pupils in an atmosphere of freedom and personal responsibility. Principles of honesty, trust, co-operation, self- reliance, hard work, respect for elders, patriotism, team-work, punctuality and responsibility are inculcated in the school. To achieve these aims and objectives a well planned battery of curricular and co-curricular activities have been introduced and carried out throughout the year to develop academic excellence along with human excellence in every student who passes through the portals of the Institution. A number of students who have passed out from this school have already been rendering their invaluable service in governmental, nongovernmental, technical, Industrial organizations and in other refuted Institutions across the country.

Principals who served the Institution

Rev. Fr. Henry Suarez : (1983 – 1990)
Rev. Fr. Joseph Mascarenhas : (1990 – 1997)
Rev. Fr. Edward Goveas : (1997 – 2005
Rev. Fr. Lawrence Fernandes : (2005 -- )
  • Give me back the joy of your salvation, sustain in me a generous spirit.
  • Give me back the joy of your salvation, sustain in me a generous spirit.
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