Rev. Fr. Ignatius D’Souza, Vicar General of the Diocese of Allahabad was consecrated as the Bishop of Bareilly by the Nuncio, Most Rev. Fr. Salvatore Pennacchio during a solemn Eucharistic Celebrated commenced at 9 am on 4th October 2014, at the Cathedral Grounds in Bareilly. He will succeed Rt. Rev. Anthony Fernandes, the first Bishop of Bareilly which was erected in 1989.
Most Rev. Albert D’Souza Archbishop of Agra highlighted the responsibilities laid upon the shoulders of a Bishop. He encouraged the new Bishop, while also praising the retiring bishop, Rt. Rev. Anthony Fernandes, for his tremendous zeal and unflagging efforts in shaping the infant Diocese, making it what it is today.
The Consecration of the new Bishop took place in the presence of the
Bishops, about 300 priests, about 600 religious and about 2000 laity. At the appropriate time, the Apostolic Letter of nomination by the Holy Father, Francis I, was read out. The Nuncio examined the candidate and proceeded with the consecration rites. The Holy Spirit was invoked while the Bishop elect lay prostrate before the altar. The choir intoned the Litany of the Saints.
All the bishops laid their hands on the newly elected, praying the Holy Spirit to give him the strength to shepherd the flock entrusted to him. He was then anointed with chrism, presented the Book of the Gospels, invested with the ring, the mitre and the pastoral Cross, all signs of the Bishopric. He was then welcomed by the bishops present, exchanging the kiss of peace with them and with the priests of the Diocese of Bareilly, who will be his direct collaborators in his mission.
The Eucharistic Celebration was followed by a felicitation programme which included speeches by several bishops, interspersed by colourful dances performed by the students of the city schools. After the thanksgiving speech of the new Bishop, his mother who just turned 80, was helped up to the stage to cut a cake together with her son.
The new bishop called all share his motto “to serve the Lord with gladness.” He has 23 years of experience in pastoral, ministerial and administrative fields. He was ordained on April 7, 1991, in Lucknow. Known for his flair for languages, the new bishop can speak fluently English, Italian, German, Hindi, Kannada, Konkani and Tulu. He mastered Hebrew, Greek, Syriac, Latin, Aramaic as part of Biblical Language Studies.